No Pain, No Grain: Plants Take Time to Grow

7 days to die no pain no grain plants take time to grow

Ever think it’s kind of absurd how fast crops and plants grow in 7D? More importantly, do you find farming to be a relentless and boring chore?


Farmed crops now take four times as long to grow – a full 12 hours of real time!

The intention is simply for farming to require more thought beforehand. FramFramson is seeing players sit on seeds until they get farming gear, well now you don’t have that luxury because your crops won’t just magically pop up in a couple in-game days. Of course this isn’t meant strictly as a massive nerf to farming, so crop yields for player-planted crops are also quadrupled, as is the bonus harvest. Harvest time will now be a major event!

But be warned: harvests are also now somewhat variable, instead of strictly quadrupling yields from two to eight drops, you might harvest as few as six or as many as ten crops! You will see bad harvests and bumper crops – but over the long terms or with enough plants the numbers will even themselves out. Smart planning and forethought will be rewarded, as you can no longer effectively plant on demand! Choose which seeds to plant and how many plants to render down for seeds with care!

To help tide you over in the early game, plants found in the world in prefabs and POIs will now drop more food when harvested as well, just not so many as player-planted crops (1-3 for most, with a few, like blueberries, offering 2-4).


Trees now take a very significant time to regrow, a full day of real time or nearly eight times the base value. Replanting is still a good idea, but you may find yourself taking more wood out of POIs, traveling farther to cut wood, or even conserving wood (i.e. by burning more coal as fuel). Wood should still be quite easy to get, and you can always chop down juvenile trees if you’re desperate (unlike crops which can’t be harvested early), but wood won’t be quite as unlimited as before.

Fair warning, overplanting trees is still a game stability issue, so don’t – personally FramFramson only plant to replace a tree he cut down, only very rarely planting extras, but what you do may be up to your setup and server. Regardless, overplanting trees leading to stability issues or lag is a vanilla issue, and not something he can fix.

Enjoy the pain!


  • (new) Okay, FramFramson think the modinfo is truly fixed this time. Removed the v number from the name as well.
  • Looks like mod info.xml requires some very specific formatting now. Updated the file, which should do the trick.

DOWNLOAD (R1.1) No Pain, No Grain (2 KB)

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: FramFramson

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