Start Game With Iron Pickaxe in Inventory

7 days to die start game with iron pickaxe in inventory, 7 days to die tools, 7 days to die starting items

Sets parameters in entityclasses.xml to add iron pickaxe to starting equipment in all versions.


  • (new) Seems to work with V1.0.
  • Updated for A21.2 b26 EXP.
  • Seems like the warning messages are fixed.
  • Updated for A21.


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Pahbi

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3 thoughts on “Start Game With Iron Pickaxe in Inventory

  1. I really like this, but for some reason it messed with Sphereii’s NPC Mod (S core)/(NPC core). All NPC’s spawned with pickaxes instead of weapons. When I removed this, they spawned normally.

  2. why not axe, shovel? and maybe bicycle? pistol with 100 ammo? i cant see point in this mod xd and several mods like this
    if u want cheat your game just dm,cm in console and go….

    1. I’m guessing he uploaded it as a tinplate so we can add what ever starting gear/tools/weapons/food for server use

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