TechFreqs Land Mine Locator

7 days to die techfreqs land mine locator

TechFreqsLandMineLocator Mod for 7 Days to Die v1.3b9 and v1.2b27.

This TechFreqsLandMineLocator mod for 7 Days to Die, Enhances the landmine experience by providing proximity alerts and customizable audio cues for players in 7 Days to Die.

Displays an on-screen tooltip with (“Caution: Landmine nearby!”)
Plays a configurable tooltip sound (default: “ui_menu_start”, configurable) every 4 seconds when triggered.
Stepping Trigger:
Plays a custom sound (default: “demolitionz_beep”, configurable) just before a landmine explodes when stepped on.
Configurable volume
Delays the default explosion by 0.5 seconds to let the custom sound play clearly.
No distance measurement

Current Functionality: V2

Proximity Warning:
Displays an on-screen tooltip with (“Caution: Landmine nearby! X.Xm”) when within 5 units of a landmine.
Plays a configurable tooltip sound (default: “ui_menu_start”, configurable) every 4 seconds when triggered.
Stepping Trigger:
Plays a custom sound (default: “demolitionz_beep”, configurable) just before a landmine explodes when stepped on.
Configurable volume
Delays the default explosion by 0.5 seconds to let the custom sound play clearly.

Configurable via config.json in same mod directory: checkout the games default sounds.xml config as that’s where it’s being used anyways, for what you prefer!
TriggerSound: Sound when stepping on a mine (e.g., “demolitionz_beep”, “coins_grab”).
TooltipSound: Sound for proximity warning (e.g., “ui_menu_start, “coins_grab”).
TriggerDelay: Delay before explosion (default: 0.6s).
TriggerVolume: Volume (0.0 – 1.0, default: 1.0)—logged but not yet applied (future tweak).

How It Works:
Patches BlockMine.OnEntityWalking to play the trigger sound and delay the explosion.
Patches EntityPlayerLocal.LateUpdate to detect nearby landmines, calculate distance, and display the warning tooltip with sound.
Uses in-game time for logs (e.g., “02:30”)—matches 7DtD’s style for timestamps.

Built for simplicity—no nav objects or custom UI, just tooltips for visibility.
Tested with “coins_grab” and “demolitionz_beep”—supports any sounds.xml sound id assume tho.

Download the mod files, Extract Mod files.Place them in your Mods directory of your 7 Days to Die
Client Side only
make sure harmony mod is preinstalled
Turn OFF EAC (Easy AntiCheat) As i’m unaware of it working with it on or off.
No further setup needed. Enjoy!

By using this mod, you acknowledge that TechFreq is not responsible for any issues, crashes, or conflicts caused by its use.
Use at your own risk. Please backup your game files before installing any type of mod.
Thanks for downloading and enjoy!
Made with love for the game and version v1.3 and v1.2(b27) not sure if compatibility will work with older versions of the game.

Don’t forget to support me by listening to a song or two or several! I’d very much appreciate it and any feedback for the mod aswell as im new to the moding scene and thanks to ChatGPT for helping me create the mod aswell with very little modding knowledge.

Copyright-Free Music:
For royalty-free music to use in your projects, visit my website: – and or
Spotify at TechFreq featuring the album ‘ Spatial Recognition ‘
Cheers! Arizona Gang Go WildCats!

7 days to die techfreqs land mine locator additional screenshot 1

7 days to die techfreqs land mine locator additional screenshot 2


If you appreciate TechFreq’s work and you want to show support, use this donate link.

Credits: TechFreq

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