The “No Hit” Challenge

7 days to die the no hit challenge, 7 days to die zombies, 7 days to die icons, 7 days to die hud mod

A mod for “No Hit” challenge players.

Put simply, all this mod does is make your character instantly die from enemy damage.

Included are 3 on-screen counters:

  1. Kills – kills since your last death. ALL kills now count, including kills from DoT damage.
  2. Kills total – total number of kills for this game/save/playthrough (for non-permadeath players)
  3. Deaths – self-explanatory really, but deaths for this game/save/playthrough (again, for non-permadeath players)

There is a flashing orange zombie icon on the screen to remind you that you’re one hit from death πŸ™‚

HUGE thanks to redbeardt for the Harmony patch that made the on-screen kill counters work.

Have fun! πŸ™‚


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: HellsJanitor

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January 17, 2024 10:22 pm

how easy would it be to just take the one hit kill part? I don’t really need the rest of it πŸ™‚ thanks