Read description carefully.
This mod add a block called “Arcades 2”, craftable in workbench without any lvl restriction. “Arcades 2” contains 4 arcades machines: Cabal, Street Fighter 2, Darkstalkers, Magic Sword. Once placed, a loop with the atract mode start. This arcades can be picked up for replace (pressing R) and have the same heatmap of a working forge….so they generate zombies. Same as the first volume.
Q:¿can switch them off? ¿they need electricity?
A: No. I cant script, i dont know the name of the triggers for animator of unity3d for this game and i dont found any useful tutorial.
Q: ¿They are serverside or client?
A. Client
Q: ¿Can u do more, my favorite game is…?
A: Sure, if ppl like this mod, and if a have time, will do.
DOWNLOAD from Mega (262,3 MB)
DOWNLOAD from MediaFire (262,3 MB)
Credits: nobody (peronperon)
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