Halmod Expansion v1.20

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Halmod Expansion is a 7 Days to Die modlet* inspired by Valmar’s Valmod Expansion. The goal of Halmod Expansion is to overhaul the base game only through XML edits to promote co-op play with friends and strangers. As such, the mod will always stay as a server-side mod, and only the host or host server will need to download/install the mod.

Available in English, Chinese (汉语), and Japanese (日本語)!


Halmod Expansion adds a class system that is organic and true to the game. This system was developed with an emphasis on vanilla assets, mainly skill books and a carefully curated list of items that is befitting of its respective class. Classes that were on the low end of the power spectrum were buffed with custom equipment and mod that I felt were much needed to bring all the classes to the same level. Each playthrough of the game will never feel the same way again!

Because the players are equipped with weapons right from the start, I’ve moved my focus to making the game more challenging through encounters. I’ve accomplished this through changing how zombies and animals will spawn into the game and where they will spawn. As a result, I’ve split and divided all encounters based on biome, town, commercial/industrial, or downtown. Biomes from lowest to highest difficulty: Forest < Desert < Snow < Wasteland. Different zombies and/or animals will spawn in each of these encounter zones. The number of naturally spawning zombies have been increased related its encounter zone. For example, there will be more zombies in the downtown area compared to the town area, and there will be even more zombies in downtown Wasteland than downtown Forest.

A new type of zombies have been added into the game. These are ‘Ravenous’ zombies. Ravenous zombies are essentially weaker feral zombies. They inhabit cities and can be found wandering the world in very large numbers. Be careful while you’re out gathering or looting. You may never know when a horde may show up. The deadly encounters make blood moon horde trivial. In my honest opinion, blood moon horde should be turned off or only occur in the Wasteland and on the 7th day of each month.

Stamina has been drastically changed to favor a play style that is more in line with that I’ve envisioned. Your character will no longer burst to the brim with stamina regeneration. Instead, stamina will need to be managed more carefully. Due to the change, stamina regen has been reduced but max stamina has been increased. It is now more vital than ever to decide if you want to commit to an action before exerting your stamina. You may never know what’s behind the next corner!

Changes have been made to animals and harvesting. Animal carcasses now take longer to harvest. Timid animals have also seen a big boost to their health. And when it comes to harvesting, the bone knife and axes have been nerfed, except for Taza’s Stoneaxe which has been buffed in terms of harvesting.

Certain foods and drinks now have a chance to give the player dysentery.


  • Brawler (Fortitude-Melee-Fighter-Runner)
  • Enforcer (Agility-Range-Shooter-Trader)
  • Firefighter (Strength-Melee-Fighter/Gatherer)
  • Gunner (Fortitude-Range-Shooter)
  • Gunslinger (Agility-Range-Shooter/Runner)
  • Hunter (Perception-Range-Shooter/Gatherer/Runner)
  • Infiltrator (Agility-Range-Shooter-Stealth)
  • Liberator (Strength-Range-Bruiser)
  • Looter (Any)
  • Miner (Strength-Melee-Gatherer)
  • Night Stalker (Agility-Melee/Range-Stealth)
  • Ranger (Agility-Range)
  • Scavenger (Any-Range-Gatherer)
  • Sniper (Perception-Range)
  • Tech Junkie (Intelligence-Melee/Range)
  • Thief (Agility-Melee/Range-Stealth)
  • Tribal Warrior (Perception-Melee/Range-Runner)
  • ZU Batter (Strength-Melee-Bruiser-Runner)

Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • Melee – specializes in melee combat.
  • Range – specializes in range combat.
  • Fighter – uses stamina to fight.
  • Runner – uses less stamina while running and/or run faster.
  • Shooter – attacks primarily consume bullets instead of stamina.
  • Stealth – specializes in stealth combat.
  • Gatherer – specializes in resource gathering.
  • Bruiser – specializes in close-combat and can take a beating.

Deadly Encounters

Cities are now infested with ravenous zombies that will surely claw our your brain and guts. Be vigilant and don’t venture out into the city too soon. When you’re fully prepared, bring a trusted friend along with you to watch your back. If you’re alone, I suggest clearing out small towns first before stepping foot into the city.

Forest Cities

Home to ravenous zombies

Desert Cities

Vulture hordes have made their nest in these cities

Snow Cities

White walkers (wights), spider zombies, and crawlers have made their way into the outskirts of these cities.

Wasteland Cities

You’ll only find radiated zombies here and the occasional mutated and burnt zombies

Rare Animal Bosses

  • Forest – Grace (Mutated Boar)
  • Desert – Radiated Matriarch (Mother of zombie vultures)
  • Snow – Zombie Bear (Zombified bear)
  • Wasteland – Grace, Radiated Matriarch, Zombie Bear


Animal carcasses take longer to butcher. Canned food and boiled water now has a chance to give the player dysentery. Players not skilled into harvesting animals will find it more difficult to get meats for their recipes.


Version 1.20

  • Stamina regen has been reverted to vanilla regen level. Max stamina stays the same.
  • Bicycle has been removed as a starting item.
  • Starting max health has been raised to 200. Intentionally makes the player hungry at the start of the game.
  • All naturally spawning zombies in the wilderness have been replaced by new zombie types.
  • Two new zombie types, Shambling and Bloodthirsty.
  • Shambling zombies are slow-moving normal zombies with twice the health. They walk regardless of game setting. Immune to stun and slow effects (excluding knockdown). Can be found in the wilderness and cities inside the forest biome.
  • Bloodthirsty zombies are essentially blood moon feral zombies – they know where you are. Can be found inside cities in the snow biome AND out in the wilderness in the wasteland biome.
  • Ravenous zombies have been moved to the desert cities. They are now regionalized there.
  • Ravenous zombies will always run — not sprint. Speed can not be set by the player.
  • Ravenous zombies no longer have feral eyes to distinguish them from feral zombies.
  • Zombies spawn more frequently in all biomes — day and night. If the player takes too long to loot a POI and makes too much noise, it’s now possible for the player to get attacked by the new naturally-spawned zombies entering the POI from the outside.
  • Zombies have longer longer but narrower sight vision.
  • The wandering horde will ramp up from large hordes of Shambling zombies into Bloodthirsty zombies, depending on the player’s game stage. Boars, mutated boars, dogs, and vultures have been added into the wandering horde.
  • The size of the wandering horde can vary from 1 to 48, based on game stage level.
  • Screamer zombies can knockdown the player (experimental).
  • Super Corn is now a native plant in the Wasteland biome.
  • Blueberries and potatoes can be found in the Forest biome.
  • Bosses now have more health and reward more experience.
  • Animals give even more experience when killed.
  • Animals are more resistant to head dismemberment.
  • Bears, Direwolves, and Mountain Lions now have even more health. Beware if you’re using Twitch integration. New version of these animals will be added in the future, so the Twitch Integration would only spawn the normal and weak version.
  • Most perk books are now 500% more effective (e.g. 10% damage -> 50% damage).
  • Certain items unlocked through perk books have been buffed.
  • Buffs related to perk books have been buffed.
  • The Survivor Notes quest from the trader after completing the tutorial quest no longer repeats indefinitely. Now rewards a survivor’s diary at the end of the quest chain.
  • All vanilla mod items can be turned into its respective schematic at the Survivor’s Workstation Desk. The original mod item will be destroyed in the process.
  • Survivor Notes, Collection of Survivor Notes, and Survivor Diary can be found inside loot bags (dropped from zombies) and POI loot containers.
  • Perk books found in loots are now rarer. Instead of a perk book, the player may find an old book instead. An old book scraps into paper and has no useful application.
  • Items are now in their own category in the Survivor’s Writing Desk and Survivor’s Workstation Desk.
  • Localization for other languages have been added. The mod is roughly 75% translated.


Credits: halcSan

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14 thoughts on “Halmod Expansion v1.20

  1. HI. I play this everyday and its the only overhaul I play. Please tell me you will update this for 1.0 ??? please I beg you

  2. Nice mod, I love it but one question : why’s your code absolulty broken when opening your files with VsCode or Notepad ++ ?! It’s just unreadable and very hard to makes changes … Any ideas ?

    1. What seems broken for you? I just downloaded the mod and every file opens in notepad++ just fine.

    2. If you mean everything being on 1 line, you can do the following to fix that.
      1) In Notepad++ click on Plugins then choose Plugins Admin
      2) Search for XML or XML Tools
      3) Install XML Tools then restart Notepad++
      4) Open the file and Click on Plugins then XML Tools then Pretty Print

      This will take all the code off 1 line and format similar to what you are use to seeing

  3. I have a dedicated server running this right now, if anyone wants to check it out. “West Coast Halmod”. No need to install/change anything locally.

  4. This mod saved the game for me and my friend who cannot mod his game cause he is streaming it. Therefore he cannot make any changes to the game. This mod, beeing server sided only is just amazing and it does so much right. Im loving the dangerous hordes that come all the time to surprise you. So BIG THANK YOU!

    I have one question though. When we started our world, there were zombies everywhere in our first little town. Now, 11 days later, the town is mostly dead, only a few zombies around. In the woods where we have our base, zombies still respawn but the town, like i said, is more or less cleared out. Do you know why and is there something I could change to get the zombies to respawn more frequently?

    Again, big thank you!

  5. Thanks for this mod, thats what i was looking for.. a mod that makes game different, harder and with no flying sharks with colorful lasers..
    Worked pretty well with other mods. TY! Great work

  6. Also how does this work to install ? If I add this to our server does it get added to the mods folder ?

  7. I loved Valmod and are so interested in this. Is there more to this mod ? Additional vehicles, action skills, bigger variety of food/recipes/plants, any changes to farming, bigger backpack, weapons and is the UI different ?

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