Midnight’s Candy Drinks

7 days to die midnights candy drinks

Midnight’s Candy Drinks

Having Candy is cool and all but what if you were to turn those candies into a drink that also gives you water, a bit of food amount, stamina and speed boost along side their already awesome buffs? That’s what these flavored selections of Mega Crush can give you! For a ‘limited’ time you can try Mega Crushes new flavors! (too bad the end of the world happened and the limited time has been extended indefinitely). Each flavor packs a tasteful punch choose from: Blueberry, Plum, Lemon Raspberry, Lemon Lime, Blueberry Lime, and Plum Raspberry. Currently only six flavors are available with more soon to follow!

Adding to the already awesome awesomeness of these drinks, you can craft them on your very own. As long as you have the associated candy in your pocket you can craft these Candy Drinks and get the added food, stamina and water benefits from them.

This Six pack includes:

  • Covert Cats Mega Crush: Sneak in and out of the shadows with this blueberry flavored Mega Crush. It will give you a +50% sneak damage boost for 5 minutes.
  • Hacker Mega Crush: Wrench, Ratchet, and Impact Drivers burning a hole in your pocket? This plum flavored Mega Crush will earn you more on electrical and mechanical stuff for 5 minutes.
  • Nerd Tats Mega Crush: Baton in your hands not shocky enough? With this Lemon Raspberry Flavored Mega Crush you will earn a Shock Radius (m) 1.2 for 5 minutes.
  • Oh Shitz Mega Crush: POI too high and not wanting to travel all the way back down? This Lemon Lime Flavored Mega Crush will grant you -100% fall damage for 5 minutes.
  • Rock Busters Mega Crush: Love being down in a hole all day? With this Blueberry Lime flavored Mega Crush you can get +20% mining harvest for 5 minutes.
  • Skully Crusher Mega Crush: Are those hands rated E for everyone? With this Plum Raspberry flavored Mega Crush you can improve that damage with +50% Melee Damage for 5 minutes.

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This mod is both server and client side due to the icons. There are currently only six of these but I will add the others as well. All six drinks can also be found and looted out in the world where ever mega crush can be found as well as in the trader loot pool.


Nothing is ever required and anything is appreciated! (Ko-fi)

If you need help, you can use this support link.

Credits: Midnight

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