Vehicle Madness

7 days to die vehicle madness, 7 days to die overhaul mods

About Vehicle Madness in V1.0

The original concept for Vehicle Madness started way back in the early days of A17 and now continues for 7 Days to Die in V1.0
Featuring 67 drivable vehicles and 140 plus vehicle wreck variations for the ultimate immersion and vehicle variety for the game.

There are also 49 repairable vehicles featured in this version that you can fix with the appropriate restoration tool.
A vehicle restoration kit consists of the following parts that can be found in the world or crafted at appropriate levels on the Workbench.

<ingredient name=”Footpump” count=”1″/>
<ingredient name=”BatteryChargerUnit” count=”1″/>
<ingredient name=”VMToolRatchetSet” count=”1″/>
<ingredient name=”HotwireKit” count=”1″/>
…..and a specific tiered tool. Wrench for lower tier repairs, Ratchet for mid tier vehicles and Impact Hammer for High tier vehicles.

******Dont forget to take some fuel with you as you will need it for the repaired vehicle******
Various parts needed for the tools above can be found in loot, check garbage as you will need electical wire (lots of) and also
can be harvested from the abandoned vehicles in the world. Cutters will be needed also found mainly in garbage loot.

Alternately you can harvest wrecked vehicles to salvage the parts so that you can craft full vehicles on the VM Workbench.

Parts From Vehicle Wrecks

Transmission (and damaged version)
Engine (and damaged version)
Seats (and damaged versions)
Carburetor (and damaged version)
Battery (and damaged version)
Alternator (and damaged version)
Chassis (and damaged version)
Body parts (doors, hood, trunk and Fender and bumper)
Full Vehicle Madness Style Wheels
Wheel Rims
Damaged wheels

They have adopted a system where 2x Damaged Parts go towards making 1 good working part along with other smaller items in the recipes.

If your vehicle becomes damaged during gameplay you can repair it as normal with the standard ‘vanilla repair kit‘.

Tires that you find on the ground? They can be picked up! But, they are NOT WHEELS. You must find a wheel rim, these can be obtained
by salvaging the vehicles in the world (you may be lucky and get full wheels and a wheel rim during salvage), or you can make a fully functional
wheel by adding tire and wheel rim and using the air compressor tool in the Auto-Workbench. There are some full damaged wheels you can
collect on the roads to make a full wheel using their 2x damaged = 1 good system.

To make the VM Auto-workbench you need to first be able to craft ‘normal workbenches’ as you will need one to build the full Auto-workbench
along with a car lift (craftable), a compressor and a ratchet set (craftable and lootable in world) ……you can then, after learning how, assemble the various vehicle
parts into the various assemblies to build your custom vehicle.

Car body assembly (requires a fully body kit)
Electrical subsystem assembly
Car engine assembly
Car Body Kit
Vehicle Madness wheel set

Note: The Monster Pickup will require a full body shell that you can find in Wasteland or Desert biomes.

**Vanilla vehicles can be crafted using the existing vanilla parts as before but on the VMWorkbench (Except bicycle and Minibike), they have left in vanilla items to maintain vanilla compatibility for other vehicle mods that do use vanillla resources as part of thier builds, vanilla parts however will not fit the custom vehicles system build method**

*****They recommend that you use a bigger backpack modlet such as the ones made by KhaineGB as there are many parts to collect.*****

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 1

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 2

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 3

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 4

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 5

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 6

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 7

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 8

7 days to die vehicle madness additional screenshot 9

The Vehicle Madness Team

  • Ragsy
  • ActiniumTiger

Contributors for V1.0

  • KeuleAufKopf
  • R3dHot Gaming

A special mention to the testers and thanks for the feedback and bug reports

V1.0 Testers

  • Furious Ramsey and his ‘Rebirth Crew’.
  • KueleAskopft
  • MageJosh
  • Mr Devolver
  • Black Wolf
  • xiiMaRcLeoN
  • falcon470
  • davokastro
  • Cibryon

Changelog for Beta 4 Version 5

  1. Updated 60 plus vehicles seats to new character poses (average 4 per vehicle some big vehicles 6-10).
  2. Blocks XML updated to new vehicle alignment standard.
  3. All vehicle wheels checked/fixed rotation in Unity as required.
  4. All vehicles had a ‘Physics’ pass/updated in V1.0 as new unity 2022 gives better options.
  5. Renamed Marauder to Malice as per history request.
  6. Renamed Old Van (beige) to ‘NPC Mod Van’.
  7. Changed recipe for Monster Van to require NPC Van and some paint (as not clear which Van to use in past)
  8. Added drivable ‘VespaKart’ vehicle plus a repairable block version and damaged world block version in spawning(By KeuleAufKopf).
  9. Some localization updates and additions.
  10. Texture pass on all vehicles for new world lighting (Some of the vehicles will be replaced/remodelled in a future update plus a few vehicles windows they need to sort some new textures for them)
  11. Removed the charger as a working vehicle its a wreck only now in the world spawns.
  12. Vanilla motorcycle model has been updated to new model for wrecks and repairables.
  13. Added Explorer jeep to repairable vehicles pool, block and damaged versions to world spawns.
  14. Vanilla 4×4 model has been updated to new model for wrecks and repairables.
  15. Vanilla Gyro model has been updated to new model for wrecks and repairables these are only found in snow or wasteland biomes.
  16. Fixed a bug where the bicycle blocks will explode when hit by another vehicle.
  17. Added VM vehicles to the in game challenges (challenge_cars,challenge_elec_parts,challenge_mech_parts)
  18. Added new drivable Pickup truck by AC (use this for the Monster Pickup recipe)
  19. Added new drivable Big Rig called Old Semi, damaged and repairable versions are in world spawns.
  20. Added some of the new ‘Visual Mods’ to a few vehicles, this will be work in progress so some others will follow at some point with mod options in a ‘Future Update’ of Vehicle Madness.
  21. Added VM Damaged Pickup block to Biome spawns mainly Wasteland and then slightly less are in Desert. Wrench the pickup gives a Pickup Shell that is now used as part of new recipe for Monster Pickup.

Some information on vehicles that have some of the new Visual Mods that TFP added for V1.0 Vehicles.

  • VM Recreational Vehicle (Spiked Plow,Armor,Seat and Lightbar)
  • Small Buggy (Plow)
  • Biggy Buggy (Spiked plow)
  • VM Pickup (not Monster version) (Spiked Plow)
  • Fastback (Spiked Armor, Plow, FuelStorage)
  • Cobra Mustang (Armor, Plow, Turbo and Lightbar)
  • Workshop van (Spiked Plow)
  • Malice Car (Plow and Spoiler)
  • Spiker (Plow, Spiked Armor FuelStorage)
  • Small Pickup (visual Seat add on)
  • Hellcar Turbo (Plow)
  • Blue Camaro Muscle (Plow, Spoilers)
  • Box truck (Armor for cab, Plow and Lightbar)
  • Military Truck (plow and Lightbar)
  • Three Shuttle Buses (plow and Lightbar)
  • Nissan Skyline (Turbo and Plow)
  • Old Semi (Turbo, Plow, Lightbar)

Known Issues and Observations Still to to Fix

  1. Yellow warning for Occlusion Remove Entity in console – This is a TFP log message and not Vehicle Madness error.
  2. The new VM Pickup by AC – Some ‘visual addition’ mod issues to resolve before the next full update of VM
  3. Wrenching vehicles in the challenges… some vehicles when wrenched leave lots of on screen sprite icons place of the vehicle. It is not on all the vehicles though oddly. The Sprites clear after challenge completed or you take up another challenge in the list.
  4. Flatbed truck windows texure problem – will be updating this vehicle in next phase so will be addressed.


Loot, harvesting amounts and vehicle distribution is welcome along with any other issues you may find in this first release version, spent over a week with testers and the feedback was great so hopefully you wont find too much.

*****Note: You are not allowed to extract and alter any of the assets in this mod in any way without first gaining permission, these assets must not be used in any venture that attempts to make money out of modding*****

A brand new game save is required as this modlet overhaul adds a lot of new blocks in the game and changes existing ones too!! Failing to start a new save game will break your existing save so be warned up front!!!

****Vehicle Madness may or may not be ‘compatible’ with some Overhaul Mods as most overhaul moddders do a lot of their own code and build systems vehicle wise****

*****Please Note: This is an Overhaul mod in modlet form and is required on both Client and Server as with other mods that add new assets.*****

Happy Motoring in V1.0 and leave a ‘like’ on this post if you are inclined to do so!!

Ragsy and ActiniumTiger


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Ragsy 2145, ActiniumTiger

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August 25, 2024 10:38 am

I’ve noticed every single low tier, mid tier and high tier restoration tools use the exact same recipe.

Why not just make a generic low/mid/high tier restoration tool that works on all vehicles of it’s tier instead of them being for a hyper specific vehicle?

Assuming it’s some weird 7d2d jank thing you might be able to make it into a variant helper that lets you select which car you want like with the block shapes.

August 18, 2024 6:35 am

Thank you so much for this mod!!! I’ve been using it since A20, and again on A21, it’s just great! Loving it on V1.0. The APC is just the best: For peace-of-mind protection out in the wasteland when you have to step away from the your computer, and you forgot to hit escape, or you’re on a multi-player server, there’s nothing better than Vehicle Madness’ Stryker APC! Accept no substitutes!

ChaseCoin (Ian)
ChaseCoin (Ian)
August 12, 2024 2:46 pm

Oh yeah finally 1.0 version, I have been waiting for this! Thank you so much for the update! Time to basically play My Summer Car but in 7 days to die ;D

March 2, 2024 8:18 pm

would you be adding first person driving option? I am trying to make the game feel immersive and have a lively vibe and I was looking for a first person driving mod but there isn’t one for Alpha 21

ChaseCoin (Ian)
ChaseCoin (Ian)
August 12, 2024 2:47 pm
Reply to  Jack

Agreed this would be epic.

February 15, 2024 9:26 pm

I use this mod with many other and I have no issues but one: If I use War2zuk and The Wasteland overhauls with Vehicle madness, there is no modify option in menus, so I can’t upgrade weapons, armors and tools. For clothes the modify optionj exists. If I remove wehicle madness, I have modify option for all items.
Is this possible to fix in next release, or can it be fixed by editing some files, I would try that, but don’t know whic file and line.
Thanx in advance.

February 15, 2024 4:28 pm

Any way we can get some of the vehicle textures improved? Some are very glossy and low, low quality.

February 18, 2024 6:47 pm
Reply to  TD

Some of the vehicle textures got worse from the last version, like the Striker. Any way to improve those? My humble request, thank you.

ChaseCoin (Ian)
ChaseCoin (Ian)
February 13, 2024 6:44 am

One of the best vehicle mods there is so far. I love when there is alot more vehicles than just 5 official ones and the way how vehicles work here is great. I also wish we would have lots of flyable planes and jets in the future. 😛

Вазген Хлоян
Вазген Хлоян
November 10, 2023 12:31 am

машины не едят когда нажимаю на газ что делать ?

November 1, 2023 6:50 am

A bunch of the vehicles crash the game upon being placed into the world, Is there any fix coming or way to remove specific vehicles??

October 25, 2023 5:10 pm

Can this mod be used with another overhaul mod or would it just cause problems?

Hubby of Mad
Hubby of Mad
October 15, 2023 5:23 am

Man this mod is fun thanks so much. I’ve never died so often in the start because I’m distracted with all the new vehicles good job. Think my fate is sealed when first horde night comes, sooo unprepared but man do I have a cool ride. Also the sounds are fantastic. As for the helicopter crash will you be bringing in a chopper? Cheers thanks for the upload.

September 6, 2023 3:29 pm

Hey this mod is super awesome but doesn’t work on A21 🙁 Should we look forward to an update for A21? 🙂

Marcus A Foster
Marcus A Foster
July 9, 2023 4:01 am

any chance for A21?

July 7, 2023 11:05 am

Yes, please update for A21! Love this mod.

June 16, 2023 2:04 pm

Null Reference errors when loading game on A21. Please update

Thomas O'Malley
Thomas O'Malley
November 2, 2022 8:32 pm

this mod did not work. Does it need to be the only mod in the mods folder? Are there ways of tweaking it?

Currently trying to run it on beta selection – Alpha 20

I’ve unzipped the files to a mods folder within 7 Days to die folder within my steam folder.

Am I missing something?

June 13, 2023 7:47 pm

He double packed the mod. You need to make sure all the files within the mod are in the root folder. it got me too. Make sure the file structure looks like this

>>> VehicleMadness_Overhaul_Beta2.0/
instead of
>>> VehicleMadness_Overhaul_Beta2.0/VehicleMadness_Overhaul_Beta2.0/

All of the files within the second folder need to be moved into the root folder.

June 16, 2023 2:04 pm
Reply to  Madeline

Did this work for you on A21?

November 2, 2022 3:33 am

spawned in a flatbed, and someone already asked with no answer, but does the flatbed actually help you recover vehicles?

jesse tourville
jesse tourville
January 28, 2023 3:02 am
Reply to  SLugger

spawned in a flatbed, and someone already asked with no answer, but does the flatbed actually help you recover vehicles?

June 14, 2022 6:12 pm

I love it, simply love it, there are so many new cool cars to look at, and 99% of them even look the part, this is so SICK!!

May 5, 2022 11:24 am

How do i disable enemies from targeting and destroying my vehicles?

May 1, 2022 6:31 am

I’m gonna ask the only REAL question to this mod… The Flatbed truck’s description says “A Vehicle to recover wreck’s” Is that just a discription for the vehicle or does it ACTUALLY pick up wrecks? AKA (Repairable Car) Inquiring minds would like to know????

jesse tourville
jesse tourville
January 28, 2023 3:02 am
Reply to  Tom

did you ever figure it out? i been trying to figure it out for weeks

February 4, 2022 3:25 am

SMX patch throws errors if you use it with Warzuk’s

January 28, 2022 7:28 pm

having issue using this on my dedicated server, player movement completely weird after interacting with vehicles. Causing players to fall thru the map from the vehicle and other movement weirdness after exiting the vehicles. love the mod but it’s definitely breaking on my dedicated server

January 29, 2022 4:09 am
Reply to  hip63

edit: found another mod causing the issue, sorry for the confusion

Willow Decay
Willow Decay
June 14, 2022 11:10 pm
Reply to  hip63

which mod was causing the issue?

January 26, 2022 6:33 am

I feel like I’m going crazy but I made a workbench and still can’t find the VM auto workbench or car lift??? Cars are in world and I’m collecting parts but can’t find and make the workbench to make them. Anyone able to help?

January 25, 2022 1:06 pm

Hey the cars will be respawns if use

January 23, 2022 3:17 am

Having issues finding rachet set otherwise fantastic mod

January 21, 2022 4:10 am

This mods stops the paint brush from working for me.

January 20, 2022 7:41 pm

Where i can find Rachet set ?????

January 20, 2022 11:13 am

any issue with bdubs?

January 20, 2022 10:33 am


July 13, 2021 2:15 am

is there something special I need to do to use this or any mod on a Mac??

Cedrik Mohsen
Cedrik Mohsen
June 29, 2021 6:28 am

i can’t wait coming next update A20

March 8, 2021 4:06 am

Standart car engines never drops with this mod. I wanted more cars but with this mod I had no cars at all. Tried to delete mod, then my house just dissapeared with all my loot.

February 12, 2021 12:38 am

The website says it was posted Feb 10th but the files is the same file. Was the mod updated or just the bio?

February 12, 2021 6:57 am

Ahhh Thank you <3

February 10, 2021 3:15 pm

so i cant get them from godmode?

May 1, 2022 12:39 am
Reply to  zz

Hay, i got a question. were can i get electrical Wire? Its the only thing thats left for crsfting my vehicles 🙁

November 5, 2022 3:19 am
Reply to  Max

spawns in trash
more are found at lower player levels due to it being classified a low tier loot

January 31, 2023 5:41 am
Reply to  Steamy_Cat

Is that the only way? D: