Mod Slots per Tier Overhaul

7 days to die mod slots per tier overhaul

In A21 these are assigned seemingly at random. Some T3 firearms are treated different from other T3 firearms, some weapons within the same class and tier have different mod slots and unlock at a different pace, intellect weapons were ignored completely so you could not craft items with 4 mod slots for your weapons like with all other attributes.

Gazz doesn’t even disagree with the core of the plan but the execution is so chaotic that at this point he cannot even tell what the plan was.

He altered the deal:

Bow weapons have always been aligned more closely to melee weapons both with their tier structure and earlier quality drop rate per gamestage.

Their crafting progression now matches other melee weapons.

  • All T3 firearms have 4 mod slots.
  • The (T2) Magnum is now treated as a T2 ranged weapon.
  • Compound bows have 3-3-3-4-4-4 slots.
  • Wood/Iron bows, rocket launcher, all intellect turrets/drones have 2-2-3-3-4-4 slots.

(their drop rate is insignificant so you really have to craft your own)


Extract the ZIP file so that the contained folder ends up in a spot like

\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\GazzA21MoBetterAwesomeness


The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Gazz

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March 3, 2024 10:55 pm

Why was there a progression xml file for just bows? It was stopping my craft all tier 6 mod from working with bows, but everything else worked fine.

I deleted that xml file from your mod, and now the mod works fine, and it plays nice with the other mod.