These modlets were specific for Survive enter at your own risk in alpha 19 I’ve done some updates to the mods This is a Current version of modlets I will be updating Them As Needed
- Unforgivens Brass From Iron = Adds Brass from iron Upon completion of Mining books
- Unforgivens Dangerous Animals = Adds some dangerous animals To your game
- Unforgivens ELVIS legs = Modifies debuffs And if you get too many you will rag doll
- Unforgivens Recipe edits = Modfies Different Recipes To make certain items cheaper
- Unforgivens roaming hordes = Adds Unforgivens Animals late game
- Unforgivens Rocket Launcher Removal = Disables rocket launchers and TNT (Mostly for Servers)
- Unforgivens T3 items Slot mod = Gives Top tier items a random roll of 0-6 slots
Credits: Unforgiven774, Max Fox Gaming, KhaineGB
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