Enhanced backpack.
- 60Big backpack 30 Carry Capacity.
- 72Big backpack 36 Carry Capacity.
- 84Big backpack 36 Carry Capacity.
- 105Big backpack 60 Carry Capacity.
- 105Big backpack 105 Carry Capacity.
- 120Big backpack 120 Carry Capacity.
- 144Big backpack 72 Carry Capacity.
- 180Big backpack 90 Carry Capacity.
- 250Big backpack 125 Carry Capacity.
- 300Big backpack 150 Carry Capacity.
- 595Big backpack 315 Carry Capacity.
- 595Big backpack 595 Carry Capacity.
Direct connection without needing to disable EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat), universally compatible with servers.
Credits: 安安anan
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Hello AnAn, could you update it to v 1.0, it would be appreciated !!
Can we get a vehicle version of this haha?