Byteblazar’s Screamers

7 days to die byteblazars screamers, 7 days to die zombies

Byteblazar’s Screamers is what you name a mod when your pseudonym is Byteblazar and you can’t bring yourself to pick only one of these other name candidates:

  • More Challenging Screamers
  • Creepier Screamers
  • Ninja Screamers
  • Smarter Screamers
  • Sneaky Screamers
  • Cowardly Screamers
  • Fast Screamers
  • Leaping Screamers
  • Troll Screamers
  • Extra Annoying Screamers
  • Nightmare-inducing Screamers

To the brave ones out there willing to try this mod: You have my respect. To the masochistic Chads who find themselves unable to go back to vanilla screamers (like my friends and I do): Rock on, brothers.

To the brave ones out there willing to try this mod: You have my respect. To the masochistic Chads who find themselves unable to go back to vanilla screamers (like my friends and I do): Rock on, brothers.

Recommended to play with feral sense on and zombie speed set to running, sprinting or nightmare. Good luck catching up with them if you pick nightmare though.

Disclaimer: I originally made this server-side modlet for 21.2 and playtested it using close-to-default difficulty settings. It was challenging enough (and fun) at lower difficulties, but I presume this would make them excessively dangerous at higher difficulties. Additionally, since this mod makes it harder to kill screamers fast, you are far more likely to run into the scenario of screamers chain-summoning each other, which not only is hard but also can get quite laggy if there are many of them at the same time. You may need to run away on your vehicle when they catch you with your pants down (and they will). You have been warned.

Note: If you want to quickly test this mod, you can press F1 to open the console and use the spawnscouts command, then wait around until screamers arrive at your location. Screamers spawned from the Entity Spawner (F6) do not summon scout hordes when they scream.

Notes on patches:
Guppy’s Zombies Patch makes Lucy (the screamer-lookalike child) act similar to these screamers (even being able to scream) but she is still not able to summon hordes.
Banshee Queen Patch makes sure Banshee Queen overrides changes applied by this mod so she remains unaffected.

DOWNLOAD Main File (2 KB)
DOWNLOAD Guppy’s Zombies Patch (2 KB)
DOWNLOAD Banshee Queen Patch (2 KB)

If you appreciate my work, please support me on Ko-fi!

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: Byteblazar

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