TechFreqs Turret Pickup Mod

7 days to die techfreqs turret pickup mod

==========TechFreqs Turret Pickup Mod for 7 Days to Die v1.2b27======= V2 Description!

Description: This mod allows players to pick up AutoTurrets (SMG Auto Turrets) and ShotgunTurrets after placing them in 7 Days to Die. When a turret is destroyed, it will return the turret to the player’s inventory, allowing for easier management and reuse of turrets. Ammo for the turrets is also placed into the player’s loot container (backpack) once the turret has been destroyed just incase something were to happen!.

SMG Auto Turrets: Turrets can be picked up when destroyed and returned to the player’s inventory.
Shotgun Turrets: Turrets can be picked up when destroyed and returned to the player’s inventory.
Ammo Handling: Ammo specific to each turret (AutoTurret and ShotgunTurret) will be dropped into the player’s loot container such as their own backpack
Stacking: Each turret will stack in the inventory, with a maximum stack size of 5 per turret type.

As a BONUS, If you want V1 as this is a bug due to the game code using autoTurret in the blocks xml and its same attributes for the shotgun turret, it adds 5 more to the inventory,
lets say if ive placed 5 shotgun turrets down, well lets also say you have 5 smg turrets, if you destroy the 5 that you need to move around in your base.
IT adds 5 more smg turrets due to that bug, but hey at least it works! and it drops the ammo in the backpack container as needed.

BUT If youd like V2 , itll workas intended YAY!

TechFreqs Turret Pickup Mod V2
Thanks to LittleRedSonja , checkout there socials for more in the unofficial 7 days mod discord!
thanks to them for adding the line <dropextendsoff/> at the end of code to the shotgun auto turret, so now destroying the turret upon pickup should work as intended

Download the mod files, Extract Mod files.
Place them in your Mods directory of your 7 Days to Die Game , as its been untested for the Server. TBA for a future update
Restart the server to enable the mod and Turn OFF EAC (Easy AntiCheat) As i’m unaware of it working with it on or off., as i have mine turned off.
No further setup needed. Enjoy!

By using this mod, you acknowledge that TechFreq is not responsible for any issues, crashes, or conflicts caused by its use.
Use at your own risk. Please backup your game files before installing any type of mod.
Thanks for downloading and enjoy!
Made with love for the game and version v1.2(b27) not sure if compatibility will work with older versions of the game.
Don’t forget to support me by listening to a song or two or several! I’d very much appreciate it and any feedback for the mod aswell as it’s my first time
and thanks to ChatGPT oir Microsoft CoPilot A.I for helping me create the mod aswell with very little modding knowledge for the game and learning as i go.

P.S still not sure if an entity that destroys the turret, will still drop the lootbag of ammo or even a loot bag of the turret itself. As i haven thad much time to test! but something or a feature ive been eager to use in the game!

Copyright-Free Music:
For royalty-free music to use in your projects, visit my website: – and or
Spotify at TechFreq featuring the album ‘ Spatial Recognition ‘

7 days to die techfreqs turret pickup mod additional screenshot 1

7 days to die techfreqs turret pickup mod additional screenshot 2

7 days to die techfreqs turret pickup mod additional screenshot 3

7 days to die techfreqs turret pickup mod additional screenshot 4


If you appreciate my work and would like to donate, not necessary, but it’s much appreciated, or listening to some of my music too and if its helped you, thats plenty good enough for me.

Credits: TechFreq

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