AC Ballistic Knife

7 days to die ac ballistic knife, 7 days to die melee weapons, 7 days to die weapons

Introducing The AC Ballistic Knife.

This Ballistic Knife for Alpha 21 brought to you by The A-Team.

The Ballistic Knife adds a new look to the weapon selection. With blade animation and range it adds a slight touch to damage. All around a simple weapon mod that adds more variety.

No Models have been altered from the ‘original creator’ they are set up with appropriate lighting shader in unity for 7 Days to Die game.

7 days to die ac ballistic knife additional screenshot

Mod’s that add new assets must be installed on both server and client.

Important Note: If you want to include any of their mods in your overhaul please do them the courtesy of asking for permission first. When given you must give the due credit to the authors and any other modders that may be credited under the Additional Credits section if any. Also you are not allowed to extract any unity files without their permission either, if there has been an alpha change then wait and files will be updated for the new alpha version as soon as they possibly can. Thank You!


Updated for A21.

DOWNLOAD for A21 (2,5 MB)
DOWNLOAD for A20 (4,4 MB)

The forum topic of the mod is here.

Credits: ActiniumTiger, WolfBain5

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