ErrorNull Zombies (enZombies): This mod has been updated for Alpha 20 and adds much more zombie variations to the game, using the UMA archetype method most notably showcased by the Snukfin’s Custom Server Side Zombies – PLUS mod maintained by arramus. All the UMA Zombies by khzmusik are also included in enZombies. The goal of this mod is to always be server-side, thus only needs to be installed on the server, and not on the individual clients. These zombies are meant to be your average walkers and crawlers to complement the existing vanilla ones… though stronger and boss-level zombies are slowly being added. Each enZombie also has their own feral and radiated variant.
enZombies spawn out in the terrain based on the biome, with each zombie group sporting a unique color theme that matches the biome. So you will find foresty zombies in the forest, deserty zombies in the desert, snowy zombies in the snow, and so forth. enZombies also spawn in many other scenarios, like in wandering hordes, screamer hordes, sleepers in POIs, and during the bloodmoon horde night. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to spawn zombies in these other scenarios while also based on specific biomes, so a more random range of enZombies will be seen there.
The short challenge quests are an underutilized feature in the vanilla game, and enZombies appear within them as well. New challenge quests have also been added to showcase the new zombies. All new quests are simply found as items within the usual loot containers where vanilla quests are found. Many more quests are planned.
- Goblin Raid
- Forest Goblin Raid
- Desert Goblin Raid
- Snow Goblin Raid
- Red Goblin Raid
- Wasteland Goblin Raid
- Business Meeting Gone Wrong
enZombies and the add-ons (see Add-ons section) are designed for Alpha 20. Using other mods with enZombies might work and might not. Even if an unsupported mod does work without errors, it will be missing the custom biome spawn behavior that enZombies use. If there is enough demand for a specific unsupported mod, ErrorNull can create a patch mod for it (see Patches section) so that it works with enZombies and recognizes the custom biome spawn groups. If you are getting errors or strange glitches while using unsupported mods with enZombies, feel free to report the errors and what other mods you are using, and he will be glad to take a glance when he get the chance.
You may use his mod as it is presented, or just pull his zombie definitions from archetypes.xml and entityclasses.xml and merge them into your own mod. Don’t forget to grab corresponding code from items.xml and buff.xml. If you are just pulling the zombie XML code, he’d appreciate if you credit him somewhere like on your website, discord or forum post. The more exposure enZombies can have, the more players use it, and the more motivation for him to continue development. He love making these custom zombies and hope to continue on for a long while, but it does take lots of time and effort.
Download and Install
This mod is not intended to be used with any other mods, except for the Add-Ons and Patches mods – refer to Add-Ons and Patches section further below. Note: GitHub adds the word “-main” to the filename of the zip when downloading. To avoid issues, please remove that word and ensure it does not show in the folder name when placing the mod into your Mods folder.
These are optional mods created for enZombies. The main enZombies mod must be installed in order for these Add-Ons to work.
enZombie Harvest Add-on
This mod allows players to harvest all enZombies and vanilla zombies for resources (eg. cloth, rotten flesh, bones) when they are defeated. Zombies that carry bags or backpacks can also be looted before harvesting their corpses. To counter-balance the added abundance of resources from zombie harvesting, this mod also slightly increases the resource requirements of any recipes that rely on them.
enZombie Traders Add-On
This mod spawns wandering traders in the wilderness. These traders only provide ability to buy and sell goods, and do not give out quests. These traders use the UMA archetypes and is completely server-side.
enZombie Survival Add-On
This mod changes many game elements to suit his personal playstyle – where it is more challenging and more focused on survival. For example, zombies are harder to kill, there is no locate-trader task for the initial survival quest, ambient light during night outside and during anytime indoors is a bit darker, death reduces your max health, birds nests, yucca, and other resources spawn less in biomes. This survival mod is completely server-side.
enZombie Settings Add-On
A collection of small mods that allow adjusting certain zombie settings: No Nudes, Attack Range, Wilderness Spawn Amount, Wandering Horde Spawn Amount, Removing Zombies, and Adjust HP. Download the add-on package and take the specific folder that matches the setting you wish to adjust and place it into your 7 Days to Die “Mods” folder.
Install these ‘patch’ mods to make enZombies compatible with its ‘target’ mod. These patch mods do two things: makes the target mod aware of the new custom spawning groups that enZombies uses for outside biome spawning. And, it allows the player to enable zombie body harvesting for the zombies or entities that are part of the target mod. Instructions: 1) Download the package which will include all the patch mods listed below. 2) Open the package and find the folder that matches the target mod you want compatibility for. 3) Take that folder and place it into your 7 Days to Die “Mods” folder. 4) Be sure to have the main enZombies mod installed. 5) Be sure you also install the main target mod that the patch is patching.
Banshee Queen Patch
This makes the Banshee Queen mod compatible with enZombies. The Banshee Queen was created by Arcueid/Gray Sage and is a giant screamer boss. What out for her during a screamer horde.
Diamond Giant Raid Boss Patch
This makes the Diamond Raid Boss mod compatible with enZombies. The Diamond Giant was created by Arcueid/Gray Sage and is a giant party girl. It seems that her looks can disable you.
Guppy A20 Zombies Patch
This makes the Guppy Alpha 20 zombies compatible with enZombies. This is a great variety of zombies created by Guppycur, including more cops, a nurse, biomechanical wight, stripper, cheerleader, scary clown, etc.
KHA20-TFP Behemoth Patch
This makes the KHA20-TFP Behemoth compatible with enZombies. The Behemoth was reworked by KhaineGB and is literally a huge behemoth zombie. This will add a nice challenge to the game.
MickPewPews ServerSide Zeds Patch
This makes MickPewPews Server Side Zeds mod (from 2020) compatible with enZombies. This is an older zombie group by MickkPewPew with very strong bosses. A good addition for later gamestage.
MickkPewPew Patch
This makes MickkPewPews Server Side Zeds 20.5 mod compatible with enZombies. These are some creative boss level zombies that can give players a nice challenge.
Robeloto’s Custom Zombie’s Patch
This makes Robeloto’s Custom Zombies compatible with enZombies. The main mod is by Robeloto and contains a ton of excellent custom zombies which use creative texture swaps and weapon prefab attachments onto the base vanilla zombies. The zombies range from easy to very tough and very small to super large.
Snufkin’s Server Side Zombies PLUS Patch
This makes Snufkin’s Custom Server Side Zombies compatible with enZombies. The main mod is maintained by Arramus and contains a great collection of unique UMA archetype zombies, as well as custom zombies based on the vanilla models. These zombies are boss-level and perfect for the later gamestages.
Zulk Zombie Patch
This makes the Zulk Zombie mod compatible with enZombies. The Zulk zombie was created by BeBeLiouS and is a nice looking green giant with normal, feral, and radiated varieties, and works well with any game playthrough.
NPCMod Patches
NPCMod Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod entities compatible with enZombies. NPCMod is by Xyth and is more like a powerful entity creation platform. NPCMod comes included with three NPCs – two of which are friendly and hire-able, and one that is hostile. Many modders have created more NPCs using the NPCMod as a base, which adds a great variety of zombies and NPCs.
NPCMod Bird Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod BirdPack entities compatible with enZombies. These are non-hostile and hostile flying creatures made by Xyth. Adds a nice touch to the outsides of each biome.
NPCMod Fantastic Beastz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Fantastic Beastz to be compatible with enZombies. These are medieval themed monsters (eg. dragons, griffon, harpy) by DarkStarDragon.
NPCMod Gans Special Zombies Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Gans Special Zombies to be compatible with enZombies. These include a scary clown and zombiefied military generals, by GanTheGrey.
NPCMod Gans Standard Zombies Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Gans Standard Zombies to be compatible with enZombies. These include zombie versions of trader Rekt and Hugh, by GanTheGrey.
NPCMod Goblinz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Goblinz to be compatible with enZombies. These are hostile goblins by DarkStarDragon. Requires KnightzNPeasantz AND OrczAlpha.
NPCMod Khzmusik NPC Civilians Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod NPC Civilians to be compatible with enZombies. These are friendly hire-able humans by Khzmusik. There is a nice variety of them!
NPCMod Khzmusik Zombies Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Zombies to be compatible with enZombies. These are more zombies (eg. burnt, cowgirl, office, female cop) to add to your game, by Khzmusik.
NPCMod Knightz N Peasantz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Knightz and Peasantz to be compatible with enZombies. These are medieval themed NPCs by DarkStarDragon. Great with Goblinz and Orcz.
NPCMod Mech Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod MechPack entities compatible with enZombies. These are hostile robots made by Xyth. Many great models and sounds effects.
NPCMod OrczPack Alpha Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Orcz (alpha) to be compatible with enZombies. These are hostile melee and ranged Orc fighters by DarkStarDragon. Fierce looking and awesome.
NPCMod OrczPack Beta Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Orcz (beta) to be compatible with enZombies. These are even more hostile Orc fighters and even two human slaves by DarkStarDragon.
NPCMod PitFighterz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod PitFighterz to be compatible with enZombies. These are friendly human fighters like boxers, MMA, karate, etc by DarkStarDragon.
NPCMod Raiderz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod RaiderzPack entities to be compatible with enZombies. These are a collection of hostile humans made by DarkStarDragon. Nice looking bandits.
NPCMod RaiderGurlz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod RaiderGurlzPack entities to be compatible with enZombies. These are a collection of hostile women made by DarkStarDragon. Dangerous ladies in cool outfits!
NPCMod RaiderGurlz Friendly Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod RaiderGurlzPack Friendly entities to be compatible with enZombies. These are non-hostile women made by DarkStarDragon and Mr.Devolver.
NPCMod Robotz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Robotz to be compatible with enZombies. This is a huge and powerful friendly mech you can hire, and is made by DarkStarDragon.
NPCMod Soldier Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod SoldierPack entities to be compatible with enZombies. These are a collection of military helpers made by DarkStarDragon. Great looking models.
NPCMod Spider Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod SpiderPack entities compatible with enZombies. These are a collection of hostile spiders made by Xyth. The 3D models and animations are well done.
NPCMod Spider Colony Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod SpiderPack entities compatible with enZombies. These are a collection of hostile spiders made by Xyth. The 3D models and animations are well done.
NPCMod Survivorz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This makes the NPCMod SurvivorzPack entities compatible with enZombies. These are friendly human fighers by DarkStarDragon. Nice looking ladies, a sumo and M60 warrior.
NPCMod VaultDwellerz Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod VaultDwellerzPack entities to be compatible with enZombies. These are friendly NPCs wearing futuristic civilian and military outfits and gear made by DarkStarDragon. The power armor are cool.
NPCMod Zombiez Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod Zombiez to be compatible with enZombies. These are more amazing looking zombies made by DarkStarDragon.
NPCMod YeOlde Undead Expansion Patch (Powered by Score and NPCcore)
This patch mod allows the NPCMod YeOlde Undead to be compatible with enZombies. These are medieval zombie and skeleton fighters made by DarkStarDragon.
Known Issues
There are some interesting bugs when working with UMA zombies and molding them from the archetypes.xml. It’s not unique to enZombies and are present in any mod that uses UMA style zombies – for example, the Snufkin mod also contain some UMA zombies which will experience these bugs. In his opinion, the relative ease in creating and modifying these zombies outweigh the quirks:
- UMA zombies fly amazing distances when struck with a powerful attack. Their physics seem to be more ‘floaty’ compared to the vanilla zombies. This also results in the occasional zombie getting stuck into nearby walls and bars when explosions and powerful attacks send them rag-dolling overhead. To some this is a bug, to others this is a feature.
- UMA zombies do not collide with player vehicles whether driven or parked. So the zombies will simply walk right through them. This behavior does not occur with the abandoned POI vehicles that litter the landscape – UMA zombies interact with them like normal. When zombie vehicle collision was added to the vanilla zombies, the devs did not add that feature to the UMA system.
- UMA zombies don’t get shocked when walking into electric fence traps… not really, at least. It seems that if they are knocked down while on the fence, they will occasionally get shocked! Stun batons behave normally and shock the zombies just fine.
- UMA zombies do not show the crawling animations when they crawl through the 1 block spaces. The ability for zombies to crawl through 1 block spaces is fairly recent, but the devs did not implement that update for the UMA system.
- UMA zombies appear to cause a ‘micro-freeze’ or stutter in the game each time a set number of them are spawned. This was not the case (or it was very insignificant) in Alpha 19. The number of zombies that trigger this stutter seem to range from 5 to 8. Thus, while exploring POIs and encountering sleeper zombies, or fighting through horde night, there will be a short stutter when every 5th to 8th UMA zombie is spawned in. The severity of the micro-freeze might depend on your system specs, but it’s not completely certain at this point.
- There is a NullReferenceException error that can occur when sleepers are spawning inside POIs. Majority of the incidents are occurring during trader Clear or Fetch quest, and can sometimes even result in a sleeper zombie being spawned invisible – which can be a vanilla or UMA zombie. They can still be killed with traps, grenades, and turrets, and with the right mods installed you can sense their location when crouching. So far, these NRE errors seems to be intermittent and not tied to a specific POI or zombie type. If you encounter this NRE error please take a screenshot or send him the log, with the POI name and if the error was repeatable later at the same POI. This will help with investigating further.
Wish List to The Fun Pimps
Here he list enhancements to the 7 Days modding experience that he would love for the developers to add which will allow him to add more immersion to enZombies and the game as a whole.
- Remove the gamestage maximum that’s part of the wandering horde. Currently it only goes up to gamestage 50 and then wraps around back to 1. This limits him from adding stronger zombies to the wandering horde in order to maintain sensible difficulty balance. If gamestage must wrap around, then increase max limit to something like 1500, 2000, etc.
- Add gamestage progression for all wilderness biome zombie groups. Currently, these wilderness zombies do not scale at all with gamestage, and so this prevents him from adding increasingly challenging zombies to spawn in wilderness for each biome.
- Add separate zombie hordes specific to each biome. This will allow hordes like wandering, screamer, POI sleepers, and bloodmoon to spawn zombies specific for each biome.
- Add more specialized zombie entitygroups for POIs. Vanilla game already has groups like ZombieGhostTownGroup, HospitalGroup, ZombieNightClubGroup, ZombieFarmGroup, etc. Would love to see more entitygroups for POIs like schools, stores and shops, police stations, residential homes, etc. Of course he can see how this will be low priority for the devs given their small pool of vanilla zombies to fill up these POI roles. At this time, it is the zombie modders who would benefit, and of course the players.
Thanks to Snufkin for starting it all with his Snukfin’s Server Side Z(S)ombies mod, and thanks to Arramus for keeping it going with the Snufkin’s Custom Server Side Zombies – PLUS mod. ErrorNull studied these mods for weeks to figure out how it worked and gave him inspiration to contribute as well. Also thanks to Khzmusik who gave ErrorNull permission to add his UMA Zombies into enZombies. Much appreciated!
Version 2.71
- Code tweaks for handitems in items.xml
- Code tweaks in entityclasses.xml
- Removed duplicate zombie entries in several groups in entitygroups.xml
- Cleaned up and standarized naming convention for all buff decos in buff.xml
- Increased infection potentcy of green organic walker/crawler to same level as hazmat zombies
- Created python program XMLRipper that extracts all attribute names from any target xml tag
- Elemental zombies cannot be burned, electricuted, or dismembered
- Tweaked some buffs and nerfs for all elemental zombies and elemental-related bosses
- Added stemCell item for use with enZombies survival and enZombies traders mods
enZombie Survival Addon 1.1 Released
This update adds the following changes to this survival addon mod. Reminder – you need to have the main enZombies mod installed.
Version 1.1 Update
- Removes all trader POIs when new RWG map is created
- Removed initial popup message from Duke on new game
- Initial survival quest stops at stone axe, and only get 1 skill point
- Removed new game Newbie coat protection
- Reduce safe fall distance from 6m to 4m
Recommend to have wandering traders (enZombie Traders Add-On) installed.
Version 1.0
- Reduces bird nests from forest biome by 10x
- Reduces cotton plants in forest biome in half
- Reduces yucca and aloe plants in desert biome in half
- Reduces bird nests from desert biome by 10x
- Removes all boulders, small stones, and bird nests from snow biome
- Reduces bird nests from burt forest biome in half
- Reduces boulders from wasteland biome in half
- Increase small stones in desert biome by double
- Increase small stones in wasteland biome by double
- Added chance to get nuts and eggs when detroying medium to large trees
- Added ability to make nuts from pine and oak seeds
- Added chance to get eggs from fridges
- Added 10% dysentery chance when eating raw eggs
- Made night time slightly darker
- Made inside ambient light slightly darker
- Reduce damage done by player on zombies by 75%
- Increased EXP deficit amount from 25% to 33%
- Increased max EXP deficit amount from 50% to 100%
- Set food and water value to 20 after death respawn
- Reduce max health by 10 after death respawn
- Initial survival quest ends after crafting stone axe
- Completing initial survival quest provides only 1 skill point
- Removed trader locate from initial survival quest
(new) Guppy A20 Zombies Patch 1.1 Released
This update adds the following changes to the patch mod. Reminder – you need to have the main enZombies mod and the main Guppy A20 Zombies mod installed.
Version 1.1 update: Made patch mod compatible with latest Guppy A20 Zombies update that included completed/improved entity definitions, zombie hand items, and defined entitygroup spawning.
FYI – ErrorNull created a page on his Github that he’ll be using to track progress on his updates. With this, everyone can have a better idea of what items are remaining on his to-do list before his next version update is released.
Download enZombies
Download enZombie Harvest Add-on
Download enZombie Traders Add-On
Download enZombie Survival Add-On
Download enZombie Settings Add-on
Download Patches
The forum topic of the mod is here.
Credits: ErrorNull, Snufkin, Arramus, Khzmusik
If you have any questions or have any problems/bugs, please use the support link (Discord, Forum Topic, GitHub Issues, etc.) in the post. If there is no support link in the post, please use the comments section.
bir şeyi anlamadım bu mod güncelmi değilmi değilse lutfen güncelleyin
I Need This On Alpha 21 ASAP Bro
Hey man,
Love the mod great stuff. It makes the game that much more fun when it’s not the same zombies over and over again. Please let me know as soon as you have the 21 version.
Will this ever be updated to Alpha 21? That’d be awesome, as I feel there is a certain niche needed to be fit rn with more zombies which would be awesome.
I hope so Agree fully
Hi there!
Really liking your mod. Could you help me figure out how to remove the zombies that have tools/weapons in their hands? My friends and I are having a hard time with them due to their reach and high damage. None of the things I saw in the entitygroups.xml sounded like those.
Any help would be appreciated!
I want to have just the stripper zombies, but when I modify the entity groups, it pops up the console every time I start the match. If I delete the whole thing, except the stripper zombies group and entities, then the game loads without errors and all the extra zombies with it.
Please add stalker mutant npcs
There are too many Ferals… WAY too many Ferals.
Every time I do a job, at Tier 1, I’m attacked by a mob of 10 or more, 4 to 6 of which are Ferals.
I’m playing solo and am inside the first week.
What is going on here?
thank you
I’m having several issues trying to get some of these to work on a gtxgaming dedi server. I’ve installed the harvest add on, but for some reason can only harvest the vanilla zombies, not the mod zombies.
I’ve tried to install guppy’s A20 zombies, following your isntructions in the patch section. Yields errors when loading into the world.
Do any of these need to be installed client side as well?
For the NPC Mod Patches, do you need to have Score and NPCCor installed as well?
Haven’t checked this site since last year lol. Hope you guys still enjoying the mod. If you happen to get a glitched invisible zombie during a trader quest, we have found you can kill it will grenades or spike traps.. just nerd pole up and toss those down. To remove specific zombies you don’t like, you can also download the “enZombiesSettings” mod and look for the folder called “enZombiesSettings09RemoveZombies” and put that in your Mods folder. You then need to go into the entitygroups.xml and follow the instructions there. unfortunately, the issue with electric fence and vehicle non-collision is a limitation of the UMA system that the zombies are built on. However, I am in process of looking for someone to help me reverse engineer the system to hopefully fix this. Cheers.
O.O Your college jackets “work.” If this is something you’ve fixed in the display for your mod, it might be something welcome to others as a stand-alone.
I resort to the “invisible dye” mod to hide the jacket. Would be pleased if something that fixed something the Funpimps want to ignore was available for us poor players.
“COLLEGE JACKETS FIXED mod” (sighs wistfully)
hello error this mod is great fr in one of the folders of the mod, removedzombie appears, as an example, I want to remove this enDesertGoblin what do I have to do those steps don’t work help men
I have not been able to play this in A20…….. keep on getting Null Reference error messages… Object Reference not set to an instance of an object…… am running on a client not a server….. is there something I am missing as I added the enzombies folders that I wanted into the 7dtd mods folder.
Espero con muchas ganas cuando actualices la compatibilidad con NpcMod, Gracias.
needs to be updated
Unfortunately, this mod cannot be used, because it causes such strong lags in the horde night that it is simply no longer playable.
Hola, que tal, esperando que todo esté bien, les pido de favor si podrían agregar un parche para que funcione con el mod NPCMod
my favorite mod and paired with snufkins or robletos mods this has become quite a challenging game and I love it. thank you for this mod (mods). Only had to restart my computer once from a sleeper spawn in the poi . it works wonderfully for me Thanks ErrorNull, Snufkin and Robleto
buenas amigos me parece excesivo y fuera de logica un tiburon volador modo dios al igual k ese dron que te dispara lo demas esta bien solo solo bro agregas mods mas acorde con zombies mas apocalipticos solo quitas esos 2 que estas en modo dios ya los otros los e matado gracias
Hey I have a question. How do I stop the zombies from getting knocked back 20 feet? What would I edit in the config?
Businessman Boss will flood the console with red lines where you have to restart the server.
he used to work in 19.
Get this wile hordes going.
Error Could not load file ‘#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/zombie01Ragdoll.prefab’ for entity_class ‘khzCharlotte’
This mod breaks in A20 since OldTimer, Football Player, and Farmer got removed.
zombieStripper was also renamed to zombiePartyGirl, theres also now zombieTomClark.
I fixed the mod on my own but I can’t wait to see this get updated for a20! It’s a mod I always play with.
Bro, your mod is really great. If I want to add lets say creaturepack zombies or robelto or snuffkins too, what should I do kindly educate. Thanks for creating such a lovely mod.
This mod looks amazing, but the new zombie immunity to electric fences is a huge turn off for me unfortunately. i would love to see this fixed
so after i read the comment of removing line 25-60 from the xml file, i still get testred, testyellow etc. spawns in my world. any fix for that?
unfortunately this mod overlaps over the mod WrathmaniacsMoreZombies_x8, should have simultaneous combination and permission of both mods
i,m tested right now and conflits with WrathmaniacsMoreZombies_x8
Do you fix it the conflict with the mod WrathmaniacsMoreZombies_x8???
not sure how my enZombies mod info from the 7daystodie_com forum got onto this website. did someone post my stuff here? you can remove those different color plain looking zombies from spawning by deleting lines 25-60 inside entitygroups.xml. if you need further help, or have other new zombie type requests, post up on my real enZombies mod page. thanks! btw, the images up there are outdated.
I am still waiting for the test zombies to be removed, i’m not a experienced modder nor know how the XML works, so yeah..
This mod conflits with WrathmaniacsMoreZombies_x8
Hello. Thanks for this mod. It’s a great idea, but why not remove the green, yellow, etc … test zombies? We only see them outside. Would it be possible to remove them please?